Always putting people first 

Maya’s Community Support operates a food bank for anyone who needs our support.  The policy of no judgement means that you don’t need to prove that you need to use a food bank.  We only ask that you only take what you need and ensure that there is enough to go around : 

Dry / Long Life / Tinned Food Bank      Fresh / Supermarket Surplus Food    Christmas Ingredients      Easter Egg Give Away

Dry / Long Life / Tinned Food Bank

Dry / Tinned / Long life food bank – This runs from 2pm – 3pm Monday – Friday from the Community Café (20 High Street) – This is manned by volunteers.  The stock we give out is either donated items or items we have purchased from local supermarkets, this might also include washing tablets, cooking oil and pet food and is funded entirely by donations from local businesses and individuals who visit our community cafe or free shop.  If you would like to donate towards this please click here (any donation is gratefully received and helps directly to feed those in need in our community).


Fresh / Supermarket Surplus Food

Our second food bank is a fresh (supermarket surplus food bank).  We are registered with three national schemes (CaboodleNeighbourly and Fareshare) and collect over 100 slots from local supermarkets per week.  Our army of volunteers give up not only their own time but fuel to bring food to our food bank every day of the year to ensure that there is enough food to feed the families that are waiting every night at the Community cafe at 9pm.  We are always looking for volunteers to help (either collect food or to help in the food bank to arrange the food when it arrives and hep with the distribution).  It is hard work but very rewarding click here if you would like to know more about joining our volunteering team

Christmas Ingredients

·      Christmas Dinner Ingredients giveaway – In the run up to Christmas local businesses sponsor various elements of the traditional Christmas Dinner.  One firm might sponsor potato’s , another Chickens / Turkey etc We then distribute the items from the community café (20 High Street) a few days before Christmas.  The event normally provides meals for 200 – 300 families.

Easter egg Give Away

In 2023 Maya’s Community Support Centre arranged an Easter egg give away where local businesses donated Easter eggs to us and we distributed them through the community support centre (which was visited by the Easter Bunny) and to local hospitals.  In 2024 over 2,000 Easter eggs were donated and distributed at a sea front Plaza.  Maya firmly believes that no matter what the situation is with your financial position and the cost of living crisis every child should be included in events like Christmas and Easter.